Improve citizens quality of life just a click away with Green Urban Data
Green Urban Data has developed a service based on environmental intelligence to help on the design of more resilient, sustainable and healthy cities to improve citizens quality of life.
Cities must to act against climate change. So, they need tools that allow them to find out their “environmental health” to be capable to achieve the SDG. Firstly, because it is necessary to be conscious about their present status to, secondly, be able to design successful strategies to improve environmental quality, and so on, citizens’ quality of life. To do so, Green Urban Data has developed solutions presented as software and app web.

City doctors
Environmental Indicators is a software solution which work as a doctor for the city. The use of technology based on Big Data and SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) allows to locate areas of environmental weakness so policymakers can improve decision-making processes and the management and impact of actions and strategies implemented in urban areas, saving time and having clear evidences of the good work done.
Some examples of those weaknesses can be urban areas more likely to suffer from heat waves during summer. With this software is possible to see how many people can be affected so new security and healthy protocols could be stablished by the city council. Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that vegetation has multiple benefits. Among them, it cleans air, reduces temperature and noise and has anti-stress effect. Due to this, it is vital to monitor urban vegetation health. Not only the quantity but also the quality of it.
Healthy routes
On the other side, citizens are a powerful agent to stop the climate emergency. For them, Green Urban Data has developed an app web that works as Google Maps, but instead of showing the shortest route it gives you the healthiest way to move around on foot or by bike. Cities like Valencia, Torrent or Alcoy already have it available for their neighbours.
COP25- Open Innovation to face Climate Change
As a solution easily implemented worldwide Green Urban Data is not missing the opportunity to visit COP25. In fact, Alejandro Carbonell (CEO of Green Urban Data) will participate in a round table organised by Suez to talk about how innovation and new technologies can help cities and companies against Climate Change. It will take place in Suez stand December the 4th at 10:30 am.
Green Urban Data, who are they?
In October 2017 Alejandro’s wife recovered from a severe illness. After that, outdoors family activities become unpleasant. Too much pollution, noises, heat… Alejandro was determined to change that and started Green Urban Data project along his friend, José Miguel Ferrer. Both architects decided to help to design more healthy cities where citizens could enjoy a better quality of life. Nowadays, 7 people from different backgrounds (architects, marketing and remote sensing experts and developers) are contributing to design more resilient, sustainable and healthy cities. Green Urban Data portfolio includes 7 Spanish cities (Zaragoza or Valencia are on it).
Furthermore, as a start-up, has participated in accelerator programs like Lanzadera, Climate-KIC, UnLtd-Spain, Copernicus and Ship2B. From this last one, in September 2019, Green Urban Data has received the certification as an Environmental and Social Impact company (which is the first step to become a BCorporation). And at the beginning of the year were announced as 1 out of 100 most sustainable solutions worldwide by Mission Innovation 4. In 2018, Green Urban Data was one out of 100 finalists at South Summit and one out of 3 finalists at Copernicus Government Challenge. Also, we were awarded as the best Green Start-up in the VLC Start-up Awards.